This page acts as an overview of's infrastructure.
Servers currently operates on two servers:
- the main VPS, a Hetzner CX22 node. (2x2.1GHz, 4GB RAM, 40GB storage)pandemonica
(a.k.a pandy) - tiny VPS hosting fxtumblr/; kindly provided by sdomi. (1x4.2GHz, 2GB RAM, 10GB storage)
Decomissioned servers:
- the previous main VPS, a Cloud VPS M node. They stopped offering Cloud VPS nodes, and moved them to their main offering at a marked-up price, which forced me to reconsider my hosting options. (2x2GHz, 4GB RAM, 80GB storage)
is named after Franky from Flying Saucer Video. pandemonica
is named after Pandemonica from Helltaker (I don't even know what that game's about I just thought she was neat). arisu
was a Lain reference. I am cringe but I am free.
Expansion possibilities
I would like to look into self-hosting some services from home; the main issue is getting a static IPv4 address, but my ISP provides public IPv6 addresses so that would leave us with having to find a proxy of some sort.